Monday 3 December 2007

Sleepy mo'f*cker...

Name: Sophie Hoyle. I quite like my name to be honest...

Date of Birth: 8th January 1991. Escaped the 80's completely =]

Birthplace: St Mary's Hospital in Portsmouth... dismal place.

Current Location: Living room, on the sofa, under a blanket =P

Eye Colour: Blue/grey... quite watery looking but alright.

Hair Colour: Naturally light brown but it's been dyed. Kind of a reddish dark brown at the moment.

Height: 5'7"ish. It's an alright height to exist at... makes me look slimmer too!

Heritage: English with apparently a small pinch of Irish.

Piercings: Earlobes but soon (come my birthday) I should be getting my eyebrow and/or lip done! Yay!

Tattoos: As soon as I turn 18 =]


Band/Singer: Umm Queens of the Stone Age...woo! My favourite singer is Katherine =]

Song: Bangers and Mash by Peter Sellers feat. Sophia Loren. Hehe.

Movie: Leeeoooon, followed very closely by Old Boy...

Disney Movie: Aaahhh ummm Jungle Book/Aladdin/The Lion King...?!

TV show: I loved Planet Earth when it was on...QI rocks sooo much though =]

Colour: Purple/Black/Dark Grey/Electric Blue.

Food: That's just too hard... I love anything other than Coriander tbh.

Pizza topping: Mushrooooooms, meat, onions, brie/mozzarella and grated cheddar cheese!

Ice-Cream Flavor: Anything extremely chocolatey...hehe

Drink (alcoholic): Gin & Tonic... it's mine and mum's drink =]

Soda: Diet, caffeine free Coca Cola.

Store: Asda is quite useful. H&M for clothes though probably.

Clothing Brand: Varies loads...Happy with Criminal Damage atm though, they made my nice new jeans.

Shoe Brand: Priceless lol...I do quite like Bronx & Underground & H&M shoes I guess.

Season: All for different reasons, though sometimes summer is annoying.

Month: October has always been a fairly good idea why.

Holiday/Festival: Halloween =]

Flower: Any black ones, they just look so cool.

Make-Up Item: Black Mascara. It is so great.

Board game: Articulate is quite a giggle.

This or That:

Sunny or rainy: Rainy mostly please.

Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate.

Fruit or veggie: Hmm probably veggie...

Night or day: Night!

Sour or sweet: Both? =]

Love or money: Love, simple question.

Phone or in person: In person, people are often weird over the phone.

Looks or personality: In friends, personality. With anything more, some of both.

Coffee or tea: Tea...duh.

Hot or cold: Cold generally though hot food and drink in the winter is really nice =]


Goal for this year: Sort myself out a bit...=S & Succeed at giving nice xmas pressies to the people I love most.

Most missed memory: Doing woodwork in playschool. They let us use hammers!

Best physical feature: My finger mole is kinda cool.

First thought waking up: Depends what's going on... often it's 'I need more sleep' though.

Hypothetical personality disorder: Apparently I show signs of Bipolar Disorder and should seek further advice... lol.

Preferred type of plastic surgery: None really... I think being natural is quite important.

Sesame street alter ego: Big bird... because I am a fairly big bird lol

Fairytale alter ego: Little Red Riding Hood because I take cakes places...?

Most stupid remark: Not really sure, there have been a fair few.

Worst crime: Petty theft... =[

Greatest ambition: To have some lovely kids.

Greatest fear: Not being able to have kids/empty places/lead singer of Hard Fi.

Darkest secret: Pfft.

Favorite subject: Philosophy =D!!!

Strangest received gift: Getting pigeons from cats is quite funny...?

Worst habit: Getting confused about life.

Do You:

Smoke: Nooope, I have small enough lungs anyway thanks.

Drink: Sometimes, yus.

Shower daily: Most of the time.

Like thunderstorms: Basically love them really...

Dance in the rain: Yuuuush.

Sing: Quite a lot actually, it creates the happy chemicals in my brain.

Play an instrument: Nooope =S

Get along with your parents: Yeah, they are Awesome.

Wish on stars: Yeeeahh. Figure there's no harm trying.

Believe in love at first sight: Sort of... more lust though.

Can You:

Drive: My moped =D

Sew: Reasonabley well tbh... it's very useful.

Cook: I try to quite a lot. Food rocks.

Speak another language: Tiny bits of several... and body language of course!

Dance: Like a maniac =]

Sing: I'm quite good at SingStar...?

Touch your nose with your tongue: No =[ Damn my small, upwards pointing nose.

Whistle: Sometimes =\

Curl your tongue: Yip.

Have You Ever:

Been Drunk: A few times... varying

Been Stoned/High: Noope

Eaten Sushi: Hell yeah, sushi is great!

Skipped school: Not really

Made prank calls: the lame old days.

Sent someone a love letter: Hahaha yes! Year 4 to Chris Whalley I think =P

Stolen something: I nab people's food and drink at college all the time =]

Cried yourself to sleep: I'm sure nearly all girls have at some point.

Other Questions:

What annoys you most in a person? When they think they know Everything about me...gets on my nerves a bit.

Are you right or left handed? Right...

What is your bedtime? Like 12:30...ish

Name three things you can't live without: Oxygen, Nutrients, Water.

What is the colour of your room? Light blue, dark blue, dark pink, lilac and silver... it's a bit nuts.

Do you have any siblings? Yeeah! Matt, 19 year old full brother. Jon, 26 year old half-brother & Abbie, 32 year old half-sister... They're awesome.

Do you have any pets? A sssssnake called Noni, she's quite cute really.

Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? Not likely!

What is your middle name? I have two, Elizabeth and Mary.

What are you nicknames? Soph, Scooby Doo, Sofa, Soapy, Magical Phie & Coop.

Are you for or against gay marriage? Fine with the marriages, just don't like when adopting or attempting to make own children comes into things.

What are your thoughts? 'Dammit, I'm spotty today...'

Do you have a crush on anyone? Hmm.... sort of.

Are you afraid of the dark? Basically, yes.

How do you want to die? DBO!!! only Helen will understand that =]

What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? About 4...I think.

Would you take a bullet for the one you love? I'd like to think so, yep.

What is the last law you’ve broken? I'm drinking some wine at the moment... before that I went to see American Gangster at the cinema, it's an 18. It's also REALLY good =P


Heley said...

a fair few of ur answers there made me giggle! hehe!
particularly DBO! hahaha! :P
looooove u!

Anonymous said...
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O. said...

Personally I recon Scooby Doo suits you better