Monday 3 December 2007

Sleepy mo'f*cker...

Name: Sophie Hoyle. I quite like my name to be honest...

Date of Birth: 8th January 1991. Escaped the 80's completely =]

Birthplace: St Mary's Hospital in Portsmouth... dismal place.

Current Location: Living room, on the sofa, under a blanket =P

Eye Colour: Blue/grey... quite watery looking but alright.

Hair Colour: Naturally light brown but it's been dyed. Kind of a reddish dark brown at the moment.

Height: 5'7"ish. It's an alright height to exist at... makes me look slimmer too!

Heritage: English with apparently a small pinch of Irish.

Piercings: Earlobes but soon (come my birthday) I should be getting my eyebrow and/or lip done! Yay!

Tattoos: As soon as I turn 18 =]


Band/Singer: Umm Queens of the Stone Age...woo! My favourite singer is Katherine =]

Song: Bangers and Mash by Peter Sellers feat. Sophia Loren. Hehe.

Movie: Leeeoooon, followed very closely by Old Boy...

Disney Movie: Aaahhh ummm Jungle Book/Aladdin/The Lion King...?!

TV show: I loved Planet Earth when it was on...QI rocks sooo much though =]

Colour: Purple/Black/Dark Grey/Electric Blue.

Food: That's just too hard... I love anything other than Coriander tbh.

Pizza topping: Mushrooooooms, meat, onions, brie/mozzarella and grated cheddar cheese!

Ice-Cream Flavor: Anything extremely chocolatey...hehe

Drink (alcoholic): Gin & Tonic... it's mine and mum's drink =]

Soda: Diet, caffeine free Coca Cola.

Store: Asda is quite useful. H&M for clothes though probably.

Clothing Brand: Varies loads...Happy with Criminal Damage atm though, they made my nice new jeans.

Shoe Brand: Priceless lol...I do quite like Bronx & Underground & H&M shoes I guess.

Season: All for different reasons, though sometimes summer is annoying.

Month: October has always been a fairly good idea why.

Holiday/Festival: Halloween =]

Flower: Any black ones, they just look so cool.

Make-Up Item: Black Mascara. It is so great.

Board game: Articulate is quite a giggle.

This or That:

Sunny or rainy: Rainy mostly please.

Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate.

Fruit or veggie: Hmm probably veggie...

Night or day: Night!

Sour or sweet: Both? =]

Love or money: Love, simple question.

Phone or in person: In person, people are often weird over the phone.

Looks or personality: In friends, personality. With anything more, some of both.

Coffee or tea: Tea...duh.

Hot or cold: Cold generally though hot food and drink in the winter is really nice =]


Goal for this year: Sort myself out a bit...=S & Succeed at giving nice xmas pressies to the people I love most.

Most missed memory: Doing woodwork in playschool. They let us use hammers!

Best physical feature: My finger mole is kinda cool.

First thought waking up: Depends what's going on... often it's 'I need more sleep' though.

Hypothetical personality disorder: Apparently I show signs of Bipolar Disorder and should seek further advice... lol.

Preferred type of plastic surgery: None really... I think being natural is quite important.

Sesame street alter ego: Big bird... because I am a fairly big bird lol

Fairytale alter ego: Little Red Riding Hood because I take cakes places...?

Most stupid remark: Not really sure, there have been a fair few.

Worst crime: Petty theft... =[

Greatest ambition: To have some lovely kids.

Greatest fear: Not being able to have kids/empty places/lead singer of Hard Fi.

Darkest secret: Pfft.

Favorite subject: Philosophy =D!!!

Strangest received gift: Getting pigeons from cats is quite funny...?

Worst habit: Getting confused about life.

Do You:

Smoke: Nooope, I have small enough lungs anyway thanks.

Drink: Sometimes, yus.

Shower daily: Most of the time.

Like thunderstorms: Basically love them really...

Dance in the rain: Yuuuush.

Sing: Quite a lot actually, it creates the happy chemicals in my brain.

Play an instrument: Nooope =S

Get along with your parents: Yeah, they are Awesome.

Wish on stars: Yeeeahh. Figure there's no harm trying.

Believe in love at first sight: Sort of... more lust though.

Can You:

Drive: My moped =D

Sew: Reasonabley well tbh... it's very useful.

Cook: I try to quite a lot. Food rocks.

Speak another language: Tiny bits of several... and body language of course!

Dance: Like a maniac =]

Sing: I'm quite good at SingStar...?

Touch your nose with your tongue: No =[ Damn my small, upwards pointing nose.

Whistle: Sometimes =\

Curl your tongue: Yip.

Have You Ever:

Been Drunk: A few times... varying

Been Stoned/High: Noope

Eaten Sushi: Hell yeah, sushi is great!

Skipped school: Not really

Made prank calls: the lame old days.

Sent someone a love letter: Hahaha yes! Year 4 to Chris Whalley I think =P

Stolen something: I nab people's food and drink at college all the time =]

Cried yourself to sleep: I'm sure nearly all girls have at some point.

Other Questions:

What annoys you most in a person? When they think they know Everything about me...gets on my nerves a bit.

Are you right or left handed? Right...

What is your bedtime? Like 12:30...ish

Name three things you can't live without: Oxygen, Nutrients, Water.

What is the colour of your room? Light blue, dark blue, dark pink, lilac and silver... it's a bit nuts.

Do you have any siblings? Yeeah! Matt, 19 year old full brother. Jon, 26 year old half-brother & Abbie, 32 year old half-sister... They're awesome.

Do you have any pets? A sssssnake called Noni, she's quite cute really.

Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? Not likely!

What is your middle name? I have two, Elizabeth and Mary.

What are you nicknames? Soph, Scooby Doo, Sofa, Soapy, Magical Phie & Coop.

Are you for or against gay marriage? Fine with the marriages, just don't like when adopting or attempting to make own children comes into things.

What are your thoughts? 'Dammit, I'm spotty today...'

Do you have a crush on anyone? Hmm.... sort of.

Are you afraid of the dark? Basically, yes.

How do you want to die? DBO!!! only Helen will understand that =]

What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? About 4...I think.

Would you take a bullet for the one you love? I'd like to think so, yep.

What is the last law you’ve broken? I'm drinking some wine at the moment... before that I went to see American Gangster at the cinema, it's an 18. It's also REALLY good =P

Sunday 2 December 2007

Update on Ruben.

There has been a bit of trouble these last few days with little Ruben...but it seems like he is going to be fine.

He's had quite bad jaundice which is now pretty much cleared up but the doctors are still going to be keeping an eye. He has also had an infection and has been put on a five day course of antibiotics, ending on Tuesday (which means he has to stay in hospital until then). To top it off they found out that he has a underactive Thyroid, which has been affecting his digestion quite a lot but thankfully, now they've discovered it, there should be simple medication he'll have to take to sort it out... just feeling a bit sorry for his parents because they know he'll have the problem for the rest of his life. I am just glad they found out when they did because on Thursday (the day he went into hospital) he really was quite ill, his heartrate was very low and his responses weren't up to much...and the doctors said things could have ended up a lot worse. =\

My dad went to visit yesterday and apparently things are improving a lot. Abbie says Ruben had the best feed he has Ever had yesterday (probably due to his Thyroid medication) and his heartrate is right up where it should be. Hopefully I'll be able to visit them really soon, hate to think how stressed out my sister and her boyfriend, Harry, are at the moment...

I'll post more once I've heard what's going on...

Sophie x

Tuesday 27 November 2007

The past week or so has been fantastic...and more is yet to come!

A little explanation of why I am so damn hyper at the moment!

Wednesday 21st
Given, my Mum and Brother did forget to get me from college, which pissed me off a little bit....However, what made that day AWESOME was the fact that Ruben (my lovely new nephew) was born! Also had a pretty good time at climbing, greatly enjoyed watching two of the people I know there have it out with eachother about whether BMXing or Track Cycling is more for pussies. Lol.

Thursday 22nd
Woke up all excited at the prospect of meeting little Ruben which put me in a Great mood for college. Took my camera in and got some truly fun pictures of all my crazy friends, especially Alfie who made an excellent ninja/spy/lion =]
Went to TKMaxx with dearest Ella after college for chats and dress shopping for the Christmas Ball. Didn't manage to get anything myself, but in a way I'm glad because it gives me an excellent excuse to be girly again... something I am getting fonder of as the days go by!
So a note to anyone else looking for a dress at the moment: I'm probably free!
Whizzed home from TKMaxx and went straight to St Marys, all hyper 'n' stuff. Got there around 6:45 and I believe my words when entering the teeny curtained off bit were 'AAAAWWWWWWWWWWW, WOW!'...fairly quietly mind, he was only a day old. I think we left at about 7:45 but I didn't stop thinking about him for aaages... wouldn't shut up the next day at college! Apologies to anyone I annoyed with my 'D'y'wannaseeapictureofmynephew?!!' stuff.

Friday 23rd
This day was excellent primarily because I couldn't get Ruben out of my head, he is so unbelievabley cute.
Anyway, this was not all that brightened up my Friday!
Had one of the best sessions I've had at climbing for ages which was made even better by a girl I haven't seen for about 8 months turning up and saying she's back until April! This girl is called Alex, about 23 years old and seriously one of the friendliest people you could meet. Before she left (to go to Alaska to study some birds and stuff) we were at a really similar ability at climbing and could always encourage eachother really well, so I'm very much looking forward to having her back and getting some properly decent climbing done finally!

Saturday 24th
As usual I spent Saturday with my lovely Dad =]
He's a bit great.
We went and got my moped all sorted out after its really rather traumatic start to the week then went to Sainsbury's where I bought a whole bunch of chocolate! Wahoo =P
After coming home from Dad's, I had a quick blast on MySpace and then the wonderful giggle pot that is KATHERINE LEADBETTER came round for a girly sleepover.
It was faaaantastic.
Chocolate, wombats, hot teaspoon, rownies, port & lemon, more chocolate, singstar and a nice big serving of Fortune Drive. Enough said.

Sunday 25th
I had a bit of a pampering session on Sunday morning...needed it! Felt soooo much better afterwards =P
Then, you'll never guess who I went to visit. Here are some clues: he's not even a week old and his name sounds like n00b-en! That's right! RUBEN! Also got to see my wonderful 9 year old nephew Oscar who is apparently 'always asking after Sophie'! Yaaaaaaay. I've decided to take him to see 'The Golden Compass' as a reward for being cute to his Auntie, haha.
Sunday was nice =]

Monday 26th This one was the most exciting...]
Kinda boring morning at college BUT I got to leave at one so I could go to London to see QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE, supported by THE EIGHTIES MATCHBOX B-LINE DISASTER!!!!!! Weeee!
Queens of the Stone Age have been my favourite band for quite some time now and Eighties Matchbox are in my top 5 so, as you can imagine, I WAS VERY EXCITABLE. Not to mention, it was at Brixton Academy...the best venue in the country!
Was at the front, jammed against the barrier (which I now have quite impressive bruises from!), screaming the words as best as I could for the whole of both sets. Eighties Matchbox aren't very well known but my god, do they put on a good show!? Went to see them at the Wedgewood Rooms about a month ago but the sound quality wasn't up to much and the band did try their best but obviously it's a bit difficult to get a crowd Really going when they can't hear the words properly. The 25 minute set they played at Brixton was better than the whole Wedge gig. The singer, Guy McKnight, is such a great showman... got in the crowd, let everyone grab at him, even got his sparkley scarf tangled up in his mic lead hahaha. So yeah, I was very impressed with them. Can't wait to see them again.
& Well, Queens of Stone Age.... What can I say?!! I love those guys so very much.
Started with Sick, Sick, Sick (from Era Vulgaris, one hell of a sexy song) and went on to play literally all their best songs... Do it Again, Hangin' Tree, Little Sister, Burn the Witch, No One Knows, Go With the Flow, 3's and 7's, Battery Acid, Misfit Love etc! I was ecstatic for every second of it, my throat tasted like blood afterwards and everything.
It was such a memorable gig... and the best part is that I'm seeing them again in February!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAAAAAY!!!!! Cannot bleedin' wait.

Tuesday 27th
Didn't do a great deal today but still feel well happy.
I've seen lovely people, done some alright work, listened to some excellent music, cooked and eaten what I must say was a very enjoyable dinner so the day has gone well.

Also found out today that Fortune Drive are playing in Southampton on Saturday night and I'm going to go help out. Should be awesome tbh. I love them =D

Not that much could really upset me right now, for once!
Just be warned, I might randomly shout and hug people lots this week... Just ignore me!

Thursday 22 November 2007

I feel real all of a sudden.

Two simple syllables that are going to mean more to me than most other things for the rest of my life.

He is my sister Abigail's new son, born yesterday. Exactly a month early but it seemed as though it was the right time...strange how nature always appears to know what needs to happen and when.
I went to see him for the first time this evening and despite the fact that he weighs little more than a bag of flour (born 4lb4, quite the midget), the little prune-face managed to completely change my current outlook.

You know how sometimes you can't help but sit and ask all those 'big questions'...
-Why am I here?
-Where is my life going?
-Am I even real?
-Is anything real?
Well today, those questions seemed to be answered.
Seeing Ruben for the first time and talking about how amazing pregnancy, birth and babies in general are, I thought to myself 'Of course he's real,' because how could something as special and complex as him really be a figment of my imagination? The detail of him; his fingernails, eyelashes, folded little ears and beautiful shiny eyes are just too perfect for me to have imagined. I can safely say, from now on, that the only thing I know I have to do during my lifetime is have children. It's my purpose. Who knows when or who with at this minute in time but it definitely has to happen. I knew already that I really want kids, it's only actually encountering one of the helpless tiny things that has put it in perspective.

Heck knows, maybe this is all hormones Ruben was secreting getting in my brain and forcing me to get broody... nevertheless, I'd still want some.
Babies are fun =]

So yeah, a tip for the future: stay away from my womb!
[Sorry if this all seems sappy, it's just the way I feel...]

Sunday 18 November 2007

Yet again I've managed to find something to do instead of my homework...

So, here I begin my blog.
Heck knows if I'll pay any attention to it!
I'd like to think I'll write in it all the time, record every little thought in my puzzled mind...but because I'm quite a lazy person, I doubt I will.

Tomorrow is the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh's diamond wedding anniversary.
What an achievement!
I can't even begin to imagine what it's like to be with someone for 60 years... That's like spending nearly four of my lifetime in a relationship, in love even. Blimey!
Is it weird that I'm jealous of the Queen now?

I have to go and do homework with Katherine over messenger...
Toodle-pip x