Sunday 2 December 2007

Update on Ruben.

There has been a bit of trouble these last few days with little Ruben...but it seems like he is going to be fine.

He's had quite bad jaundice which is now pretty much cleared up but the doctors are still going to be keeping an eye. He has also had an infection and has been put on a five day course of antibiotics, ending on Tuesday (which means he has to stay in hospital until then). To top it off they found out that he has a underactive Thyroid, which has been affecting his digestion quite a lot but thankfully, now they've discovered it, there should be simple medication he'll have to take to sort it out... just feeling a bit sorry for his parents because they know he'll have the problem for the rest of his life. I am just glad they found out when they did because on Thursday (the day he went into hospital) he really was quite ill, his heartrate was very low and his responses weren't up to much...and the doctors said things could have ended up a lot worse. =\

My dad went to visit yesterday and apparently things are improving a lot. Abbie says Ruben had the best feed he has Ever had yesterday (probably due to his Thyroid medication) and his heartrate is right up where it should be. Hopefully I'll be able to visit them really soon, hate to think how stressed out my sister and her boyfriend, Harry, are at the moment...

I'll post more once I've heard what's going on...

Sophie x


Sam said...

Ruben will be fine. My cousin was premature and she had problems but grew out of them. Plus I an 3 months premature and I had a lot of problem and like I said earlier I've grown out of them all but one! and thats still getting better now.

Heley said...

omg! poor ruben! send my love to everyone and im sure he'll be fine my dear! :)
much love and cuddles!

Floskii said...

That must be why you're short, ginger, colourblind and lactose intolerant :D :D Love you really Sam xx

*- Em -* said...

Flo! You missed out illiterate. And sometimes he gets words confused. For instance, Hover and Hoover. Lol. Bless him.

Hope Ruben gets well soon Sophie. =)
Em xxx